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Ph. D. in Physics, University of Barcelona, Spain (2016) Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI I) Full Professor, Department of Physical Engineering, Science and Engineering Division, University of Guanajuato. Tel: (477) 788-5100 Ext 8494 E-mail: paco [at] fisica.ugto.mx Research Profiles:
Dr. Alarcón cuenta con 17 publicaciones en journals y actas de conferencias y 3 manuscritos sometidas o en preparación. Sus publicaciones tienen 235 citas desde el 2013, con lo cual su h-index=7 y i10-index=6 (6 publicaciones con 10 o más citas).
Artı́culos de investigación
- J. Martin, R. Martinez, L.C. Alexander, A.L. Diez, D.G.A.L. Aarts, F. Alarcón, J. Ramirez and C. Valeriani “Characterization of MIPS in a suspension of repulsive Active Brownian Particles through dynamical features”. J. Chem. Phys. 154, 164901 (2021); DOI: 10.1063/5.0040141. SJR indicator=1.047 Q1, IF=2.991.
- P. Nie, F. Alarcón, I. López-Montero, B. Orgaz, C. Valeriani and M. Pica Ciamarra “In-silico modeling of early-stage biofilm formation”. Soft Materials, 1-13 (2021); DOI: 10.1080/1539445X.2021.1887220. SJR indicator=0.277 Q3, IF=1.265.
- J. Jara, F. Alarcón, A. K. Monnappa, J.I. Santos, V. Bianco, P. Nie, M. Pica Ciamarra, A. Canales, L. Dinis, I. López-Montero, C. Valeriani and B. Orgaz “Self-Adaptation of Pseudomonas fluorescens Biofilms to Hydrodynamic Stress”. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11,3460 (2021); DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.588884. SJR indicator=1.690 Q1, IF=4.235.
- R. Martinez, F. Alarcon, J.L. Aragones and C. Valeriani, “Trapping flocking particles with asymmetric obstacles”. Soft Matter, 16(20), 4739-4745 (2020); Chosen for cover page of the journal. DOI: 10.1039/C9SM02427A. SJR indicator=1.029 Q1, IF=3.140. Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection and/or Google Scholar: 2
- D. Rogel Rodriguez, F. Alarcon, R. Martinez, J. Ramirez and C. Valeriani, “Phase behaviour and dynamical features of a two-dimensional binary mixture of active/passive spherical particles”. Soft Matter, 16(5), 1162-1169 (2020); DOI: 10.1039/C9SM01803D. SJR indicator=1.171 Q1, IF=3.33. Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection and/or Google Scholar: 5
- F. Alarcon, E. Navarro-Argemı́, C. Valeriani and I. Pagonabarraga. “Orientational order and morphology of clusters of self-assembled Janus swimmers”. Phys. Rev. E 99(6), 062602 (2019); DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.99.062602 SJR indicator=0.992 Q1, IF=2.353 Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection and/or Google Scholar: 3
- R. Martinez, F. Alarcon, D. Rogel Rodriguez, J.L. Aragones and C. Valeriani, “Collective behavior of Vicsek particles without and with obstacles”. Eur. Phys. J. E 41:91 (2018); DOI: 10.1140/epje/i2018-11706-8. SJR indicator=0.489 Q2, IF=1.802. Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection and/or Google Scholar: 3
- S. Mallory, F. Alarcon, A. Cacciuto and C. Valeriani. “Self-assembly of active amphiphilic Janus particles”. New J. Phys 19 125014 (2017); DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/aa9b77. SJR indicator=1.653 Q1, IF=3.579. Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection and/or Google Scholar: 9
- F. Alarcón, C. Valeriani and I. Pagonabarraga. “Morphology and dynamics of clusters in systems of interacting self-propelled particles”. Soft Matter, 13, 814-826 (2017); DOI: 10.1039/C6SM01752E. SJR indicator=1.573 Q1, IF=3.889. Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection and/or Google Scholar: 31
- F. Alarcón and I. Pagonabarraga. “Macroscopic structures generated by microorganisms swimming in a fluid”. BSC Doctoral Symposium, 2nd Ed, 77-78 (2015). URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2099/16553 Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection and/or Google Scholar: 2 (Arbitrada)
- F. Alarcón and I. Pagonabarraga. “Spontaneous aggregation and global polar ordering in squirmer suspensions”. J. of Molecular Liquids, 185, 56–61 (2013); DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2012.12.009. SJR indicator=0.670 Q2, IF=2.74. Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection and/or Google Scholar: 90
- F. Alarcón, G. Pérez-Hernandez, E. Pérez and A. Gama Goicochea. “Coarse-grained simulations of the salt dependence of the radius of gyration of polyelectrolytes as models for biomolecules in aqueous solution”. Eur. Biophys. J. 42, 661-672 (2013); DOI 10.1007/s00249-013-0915-z. SJR indicator=0.73 Q2, IF=1.444. Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 24
- F. Alarcón, E. Pérez and A. Gama Goicochea. “Dissipative particle dynamics simulations of weak polyelectrolyte adsorption on charged and neutral surfaces as a function of the degree of ionization”. Soft Matter, 9, 3777-3788 (2013); DOI: 10.1039/C2SM27332B. SJR indicator=1.573 Q1, IF=3.889. Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 36
- A. Gama Goicochea and F. Alarcón. “Solvation force induced by short range, exact dissipative particle dynamics effective surfaces on a simple fluid and on polymer brushes”. J. Chem. Phys. 134, 014703 (2011); DOI: 10.1063/1.3517869. SJR= 0.959 Q2, IF=2.894. Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 20
- F. Alarcón Oseguera, M. Pena-Gomar, A. Garcı́a-Valenzuela, F. Castillo. E. Pérez. “Characterization of a random monolayer of particles from optical coherent-reflectance”. Proc. SPIE, 7386, 738612 (2009); DOI:10.1117/12.839606. (Arbitrada)
- F. Alarcón Oseguera, M. Pena-Gomar, F. Castillo, A. Garcı́a-Valenzuela and E. Pérez. “Parameter fitting of reflected light by particles on a flat surface: a route for model testing”. The 4th International Congress and 2nd National Congress of numerical Methods in Engineering and Applied Sciences, (2007); ISBN 978-84-96736-08-5.
- F. Alarcón Oseguera, F. Mejı́a-Dı́az and J.A. Gonzalez-Lemus. “The study of the gyroscopic movement using high level mathematical software”. EISTA ’04: International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications, Vol. 2, Proceedings: Education and Training Systems, Technologies and Applications. Vol. 2, pp. 1 - 4 (2004). ISBN 980-6560-11-6 (Arbitrada)
Publicaciones en Preparación o Sometidas
- F. Alarcon, C. Herrero, I. Pagonabarraga and C. Valeriani “Self-assembly of amphiphilic swimmers: Towards the active molecules design.”. J. Chem. Phys. Preprint*.
- F. Alarcón and I. Pagonabarraga. “Orientational order and density fluctuations of 3D mixture of Puller Pusher microswimmers.”. J. Chem. Phys. Preprint*.
- F. Alarcón, S. Echeverri-Restrepo and I. Pagonabarraga. “Effects of the Filler Reinforcement in Equilibrium Mesoscopic Simulations of Rubbers”. J. Chem. Phys. Preprint*.
- F. Alarcón and I. Pagonabarraga. “Macroscopic clusters and super-diffusion in microswimmer suspensions”. Preprint*.
- F. Alarcón and I. Pagonabarraga. “Hydrodynamically-induced dynamic cooperativity in squirmer suspensions”. Preprint*.
- F. Alarcón, A. Domı́nguez and I. Pagonabarraga. “Ordering and emergent clusters of active particles at an interface”. In Progress.
- M. Martinez, I. Pagonabarraga and F. Alarcón. “Finite system size effects and size resolution in swarming and polar order of swimming particles.”. In Progress.
- M. A. Sandoval Puentes, R. Castañeda-Priego and F. Alarcón. “Active Brownian particles in an external periodic field”. In Progress.
* Estos manuscritos están disponibles previa solicitud.